Monday, 1 December 2014

Texila American University is now a member of CANQATE

Texila American University is now a member of Caribbean Area Network for Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education (CANQATE).CANQATE was established in 2004 as a sub network of International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE). 

It is a network of external quality assurance agencies that includes government ministries, state agencies, higher education institutions and related entities within the CARICOM region that have an interest in quality assurance capacity building.

CANQATE works to promote the capacity building among countries and institutions of higher education and to facilitate regional discourses on policy and research in the fields of quality assurance and quality enhancement whilst engaging policy makers, researchers, evaluators, administrators and faculty in professional development. 

CANQATE was established primarily as a network of external quality assurance agencies but included government ministries, state agencies, higher education institutions and related entities within the CARICOM region that have an interest in quality assurance capacity building. 

It comprises over 135 members from national quality assurance agencies, tertiary institutions, government ministries, regional and extra-regional related bodies and other interested organizations and individuals.

CANQATE provides the networking and learning opportunities for its members to:
1.  Share their experiences in the field of quality assurance and quality enhancement;
2. Provide coaching and mentoring for example, by experienced quality assurance agencies and through study tours/attachments to observations of quality assurance operations,
3. 4. Listed in its databases as peer reviewers and consultants;
4. Receive discounts for attendance at the annual conferences, amongst other benefits.

CANQATE was established to promote best practices in quality assurance and quality enhancement in the region through the capacity building, sharing of information about the maintenance, evaluation, accreditation and improvement of tertiary/higher education.

Texila American University (TAU), one of the best Caribbean Medical Schools, is an International Medical University rendering the Doctor of Medicine and Nursing programs with a high level of professionalism and exactness. The University campus is located in Guyana, West Indies and has different branch offices in New Jersey (USA), Sharjah and India.  Currently, the University holds the students from 35 different countries studying the medicine and nursing programs in its campus in Guyana.

Since its inception, Texila American University has been in the forefront rendering the best class of education with a high level of professionalism and exactness. The University is partnered with different Universities round the world which would benefit the students by earning the degrees of global recognition.

For more info:  

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